Friday, November 30, 2012

Myspace extravaganza

I can not for the life of me remember my 3rd date. I have come to the conclusion that it must have been too boring for my brain to even consider making it a long term memory. It's cool.

So I went through a crazy Myspace dating period in my life. I think a lot of people did that, or at least that's what I like to convince myself so I don't feel so awkward about it. I was really fucking good at finding people on Myspace, like scary good. You could give me just your first name and maybe a few things about you and I could find you on Myspace. That site made stalking so easy. Not that I was creepy, I would add them and send them a message usually the same day, which I guess is creepy. Let me rephrase. I wasn't in your bushes creepy, I was more like show up at your door with flowers creepy. Luckily guys don't care about that shit if your a cute girl, because none of them gave me flack for internet stalking them. They usually asked me out on a date. Which brings me to

Date #4

So there was this guy Tyler. This guy was the sliest mother fucker I have ever met. I have seen his magic work on multiple people, and it's damn impressive. He is to this day a fox. I had a crush on him the first time I saw him, which was a picture of him and his adorable girlfriend on his page. I was pretty bummed that he was taken, but such is life with most attractive charming guys. I gave up hope, but had a major crush on him anyways, because fuck it. I can daydream about this cutie, ain't harmin' nobody. It was about a year later when I got a friend request from Mr.Slyfox (a nick name I just came up with) himself. I hadn't been to his page in about a year, because seeing him with a girl that was not me was not the best feeling (I was 14, my emotions didn't have to be sane). So I go to his page, and guess who has two attractive thumbs and is single? That guy, that's who. I was so fucking happy. So we start commenting each other back and forth, shit was way cute. He asked if I wanted to hang out, and go to goodwill. Obviously I did. So I get there early, totally thinking this was a prank. No way did this guy want to hang out with me. Low and behold he shows up. And we have a fucking great time. We look at clothes that smelt of used human. We walked around aimlessly joking, and getting to know the real us. Then we ate at a questionable Chinese food restaurant, and stared into each others eyes. We walked over to the mall, and played some video games where I totally kicked his ass. He bought me and him hot chocolate and we sat outside drinking them, and discussing what our favorite video games were. I was 14 so I of course brought a camera and took pictures of us. I think mostly I wanted proof that it was indeed real, and not a dream. We ended the night we a kiss, and I basically floated on a cloud for at least a week.
  We ended up going on quite a few more dates after that, and dated for a few weeks. I let him borrow my favorite teddy bear, Mr. Pants. He still has him. Luckily I didn't give him my heart, or he probably would have done the same. Asshole.

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