Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fuck you, brain.

It's 5:40am. I have work in 4 hours.  Why the fuck am I awake?

My brain has been a real dick tonight. I have tried to go to sleep 4 times. Each time I turn everything off and get comfortable, my mind informs me that I won't be falling asleep anytime soon, and that I am better off doing something else. First time I got up, I decided to go through my old clothes to try and find a Halloween costume (yes, its the morning of Halloween). To my dismay, anything costume-y did not fit, not even close. This made me want to be asleep immediately, so I could dream of being skinny. So I  threw those clothes in the farthest corner of my room, turned everything off once again, and laid down. Naturally my asshole brain starts laughing at my pitiful attempt at sleeping and assures me that being awake will be easier for both parties. I comply. I put on my favorite play list and start aimlessly going through my boxes I have yet to unpack. Of course I stumble across a box-less hair coloring kit. Just the dye, and the shit you mix it with. No way of knowing what color it is, nothing. My hair is looking quite sad and unkempt as it is, so I decide why the fuck not. It was 4:45 when this brilliant entered my delirious brain. As I am finishing up applying mystery color to my hair, I finally decide to think this decision through (that's how adults go about decisions  right?). I realize I just made a commitment to being awake at (now) 5am. Seeing the doozy I've gotten myself in, I decide I need to make something awesome to make up for my apparent lobotomy I received. 

A blog about my shenanigans seemed like a perfect idea. 

I washed out the dye, didn't seem to change my hair color, very confused and upset at this. 

At what point does a person decide to just "power through" the day and not sleep? Coffee is sounding pretty damn good right now. But then again, dying my hair in the middle of the night sounded like a good idea, too. I can't trust myself.

How does one sign off of a blog? I'll just pretend I said all of this into a walkie-talkie.


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